Game Sleds

Small Sled

1st Sled will reach Wind’s Song. This is the sled you begin the game with.
Capacity: 100 kg. 
Distance: 100 km
Dogs eat: Porridge
Max number of Improvements: 2

Light Wind

Upgrade the Small Sled (above) at Wind’s Song to the Light Wind
Capacity: 120 kg
Distance: 125 km
Dogs eat: Porridge
Max number of improvements: 2

Eagle Sled

Upgrade the  Light Wind to  the Eagle Sled at  Aery
Capacity: 300 kg
Distance: 125 km
Dogs eat: Porridge (grey dogs) Fish (white dogs)
Max number of improvements: 2

Shaman Sled

Upgrade the Eagle Sled to Shaman Sled at Polar Side
Capacity: 400 kg
Distance: 150 km
Dogs eat: Fish
Max number of improvements: 2

Indigo Sled

Has only 4 dogs, not 6 as pictured. Upgrade to Indigo Sled at Indigo
Capacity: 800 kg
Distance: 180 km
Dogs eat: Fish
Max number of improvements: 4

Two-horse Harness

Upgrade to Horses at Indim
Capacity: 900 kg
Distance: 180 km
Horses eat: Horse Feed
Max number of improvements: 4

It is very similar to the Modern Sled however by using a Suspension Feeder the amount of feed you can carry at one time allows for greater distances to be covered before the animals need feeding again. 

Four-horse Team

Can be made at Meltonville!!

(Distance: 280 km; load: 1200 kg) Four Purebred Horses allow you to move faster between settlements and carry more cargo. You can apply sled upgrades here. Purebred Horses eat horse feed.

Luxury Sled

Reward from the Construction Trust released on 2 February 2023 

(Distance: 350 km; load: 1400 kg) Four white horses allow you to move faster between settlements and carry more cargo. You can apply sled upgrades here. White horses eat Horse Feed.

       Sleds bought at the market

Large Sled

Useful for new players needing more capacity than the Small Sled or Light Breeze.  Once you have the Eagle Sled this is no longer useful. 

Capacity: 250 kg
Distance: 100 km
Dogs eat: Porridge
Max number of improvements: 2

Freight Sled

Good for short trips only.  Once you have the Indigo sled this is no longer useful. 

Capacity: 600 kg
Distance: 150 km
Dogs eat: Fish

Modern Sled

(6 dogs not 8)
Costs emeralds
Capacity: 1000 kg
Distance: 210 km
Dogs eat: Fish Food Reserves 30

This is the best sled you can buy and is very similar in range and capacity to the Horse sled unless there is a Hanging Feeder installed on the Horse Sled

Sled Improvements

There are two types of improvements, Temporary & Permanent

Temporary Enhancements:  CAN NOT BE STORED. If you remove these you will lose them. If you SWAP sleds they will appear in your new sled. 

Permanent Enhancements can be stored and reused. 


Soft Harness

Purchase in the market for emeralds or barter at Indigo
Improves stamina of the dogs, they can run for 2 extra days without taking a rest.


Excellent Enhancement
Increases the speed of the dogs by 15 km per day - result - less days to travel to a location.


Takes the load of all travel items on your sled so these do not take up space (weight)
Can be bartered for on Khanbulat or purchased for 19 emeralds.

Falling Back + 150kg

Buy market 50 emeralds
Temporary - 1000 days
Barter on Woodside

Skid Grease

Temporary - 240 days
Increase the speed of the sled thereby needing less days to travel to a location.
Barter on Mirage or buy for 14 emeralds

Structure Reinforcer

Buy in the Market for 19 emeralds
Adds 250 kg to the load capacity of the sled

Warning:  It slows the sled down by 4 km a day  --> more days needed for travel.

Hanging Feeder

Temporary - 360 days
Horse Sled only.  Buy in the market for 25 emeralds, made at Indim
Doubles the amount of Horse Feed you can carry.

Falling Back +750 kg

Temporary - 200 days travel
Adds 750 kg to the sled capacity
Barter on Sol

Falling Back 1000

Temporary - 500 days travel
Adds 1000 kg to the sled capacity
99 emeralds in the market can be made at North Plateau

Navigator + 30

Increases speed by 30 km day (therefore reducing days traveled & Feed needed)
189 emeralds in the Market

Falling Back + 1500

Temporary - 500 days travel
Adds 1500 kg to the sled capacity
139 emeralds in the market.

Navigator + 45

Increases speed by 45 km a day
279 emeralds in the market

Falling Back + 2000

Temporary - 500 days travel
Adds 2000 kg to the sled capacity
189 emeralds in the market.

Falling Back +2500kg

Falling Back + 3000

Temporary - 600 days travel
Adds 3000 kg to the sled capacity
Prize only, often in the Construction Trust

Skid Grease Improved

Temporary - 260 days travel
Increases speed by 20 km a day
22 emeralds in the market. 

Innovative Skid Grease

Temporary - 260 days travel
Increases speed by 30 km per day
Made at Meltonville



Food for grey dogs.
Can be made in the Barn and the Cottage at home.  Barter at Indim.


Food for white dogs can be made in the Barn, Cottage and Fisherman’s House at home.
Barter: Polar Side, Mirage, Indim & Arnica. 
Can be caught in the river using floats made in the Fisherman’s House
Exchange Eagle collection, in Birds Nests brought home from expeditions

Horse Food

Made in the Cottage at home or barter on Indim

Tips & how-to for using the sled

How to reach Aery in the Light Wind sled

Important:  You cannot feed the dogs if you are on another land and you have left all your dog food at home.  So store some food on lands as you reach them and have the storage building finished.  Wind’s Song and Aery are great places to have emergency stores of food.

How to get Home with No Food

If you “get stuck” on a land with no food for the dogs unload your sled (if you have the storage building constructed) or try to reach a closer land with storage and unload,

1. Click the HOME button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

2. Click the red GO button in the pop-up informing you that you will lose your load.

3. Click the red GO button in the 2nd pop-up to confirm your decision to go back home.

If you could not unload your sled you will lose all materials on it.  You will not lose any enhancements or travel items.

Remember you can only feed dogs if you have food in storage on the land you are currently visiting.

This all sounds very confusing, but it is important now to understand how the sled works, as you upgrade your sled and begin using enhancements you will be able to travel anywhere with the sled with minimum stops.

Pass by without a Stop

Once you master Aery and have upgraded your sled there and at the other stations you will still have trouble reaching the lands far away.

You will receive this message if your sled can not make the distance

Click on a land in the path of the route to your destination.

In this dialogue box you will see a button like this (bottom right hand corner).  Click this button then continue your journey to your destination.

You will not have to physically stop at the land.

       How to Read and Understand the Sled Team Tab

1. Distance Sled can travel before resting the dogs 
2. Amount of food reserves (used as you travel)
3. Auto - feeds dogs automatically ONLY when you return to Home Station
4. Maximum Load the Sled will carry
5. Name of the sled you are using
6. This is where Enhancements are applied to the sled

NB: Each dog will eat one food per day. 

To Apply the Enhancement

Your Enhancement should be in storage.  Click a + sign (6), find your item and apply it.

team light wind.jpg
team eagle.jpg

Example: Eagle Sled

Basic Eagle Sled
Capacity: 300 kg
Distance: 125 km

This Sled has a Falling Back + 150 kg which increases the Capacity by 150 to 450 kg.

It has Sled Grease which increases the speed of the sled thereby allowing this sled to travel a distance of 175 km per trip. (this reduces the days needed to reach a land and saves on Food too)


50 km per day
150 kg

team 2 hourse harness.jpg

Example: Two-Horse Harness

Basic Two-Horse Harness

Capacity: 900 kg
Distance: 180 km

Fastener: carries the load of the Travel Items thereby allowing more Capacity.

Soft Harness: Allows the dogs to run further in one day, thereby reducing the days needed to reach a land (also reducing food consumed on the journey)

Two of these installed further increasing Distance.

Falling Back + 150: Increases capacity by 150 kg.

This sled can now travel 300 km a day and can carry a load of 1050 kg.

Example:  Modern Sled

Basic Modern Sled:

Capacity: 1000 kg
Distance: 210 km

Fastener: carries the load of the Travel Items thereby allowing more Capacity.

Soft Harness: Allows the dogs to run further in one day, thereby reducing the days needed to reach a land (also reducing food consumed on the journey) (Two installed)

Navigator: Decreases distance needed to reach lands.

This sled is equipped for Long Range Travel.  Food used by the dogs will be decreased quite dramatically.

Gain: 290 km per day, 0 kg

team modern 2.jpg
team modern 3.jpg

Example: Modern Sled (2)

Basic Modern Sled:

Capacity: 1000 kg
Distance: 210 km

Fastener: carries the load of the Travel Items thereby allowing more Capacity.

Navigator: Increases speed by 15 km day - allows longer distances to be covered in a day

Structure Reinforcer:  Each increases the Capacity of the Sled, but also decreases the Distance traveled each day by 4 km.  

The Navigator offsets the decrease in distance incurred and still adds more to the sled.

Gain: 132 km per day, 500 kg

Example: Modern Sled (3)

Basic Modern Sled:


Gain: 180 km day, 2250 kg

This sled is optimized for hauling large loads

team modern 4.jpg


Sled Skins change the appearance of the sled, they do not change the underlying sled's capacity or range, they just look different. 

Click the little Paint Pallet icon to access any skins you may have. 

Skins are sometimes available in Construction Trust rewards. 

But they are too expensive/they only last for xx days.

Navigators and Structure Reinforces last forever - they can only be bought for emeralds.

Falling Backs +150 & + 750 can be bartered for. Falling Back +1500 is available in the market.

All other enhancements can be bartered for also.

Falling backs +750, +1000 & + 1500 have limited days, these days are easily made up for by the savings in trips needed thereby reducing food requirements.  Combined with a Navigator +15, +45 or +30 longer trips can be made per day reducing travel time.

It is your choice how you configure your sled but do try it, it is fun.  

Happy Sledding!