Rabbits - the complete guide
Black and White Rabbits have some common traits
They all eat hay and grass, each rabbit will eat 25 grass or hay before turning to a gold statue.
They can all breed 5 times
It takes two to tango, so every 2 rabbits have the potential to make 5 babies. Our aim is to keep 2 babies back for each pair we have to start the next generation and sell the other 3.
BUT, until we build up the colony, we keep all babies until we have the number of rabbits we can easily manage. I suggest keeping babies until you have at least 20. This means you start with 2, they produce 5 babies then turn to gold. So you have 5 babies, breed 4 of them (sell or store one in a rabbitry). 4 adults will produce 10 babies so you now have 5 pairs in your colony. Continue until you have your preferred number.
10 Rabbits (5 pairs) will produce 25 babies. We want to keep 10 babies for the next generation and sell the surplus.
50 Rabbits (25 pairs) will produce 125 babies. We want to keep 50 babies for the next generation and sell the surplus.
Black rabbits will not mate with White rabbits and vice versa.
To breed rabbits we need to help them by clicking the hearts that appear when they are ready.
If we don’t breed them (click the hearts), after a few hours they will turn back to eating machines and begin their next cycle. I do not recommend this, we want their babies for future generations and we want to sell excess babies for coins. This is why we need a Rabbitry, so we can put them to bed when we don’t have time to mate them.
All rabbits can get out of hand so it’s good to know how to control them. See below for information on the two types of Rabbitries.
We can sell rabbits manually using the ‘Sell Tool’ but many players have accidentally sold buildings and other items by mistake. So be careful.
Once you start your rabbits you should never have to buy or make any more.
Don’t let all your rabbits turn to gold without breeding them or you will have to buy more white rabbits or make black rabbits. Buy a Rabbitry as soon as possible and keep babies in there. Only let your rabbits out when you have time to breed them regularly.
The following information refers to breeding 50 rabbits at one time, any number will work but keep the numbers even, 2, 4, 6, 8 etc so each has a mate.
White Rabbits
White rabbits eat grass 5 times at 30-minute intervals before mating, with each rabbit eating 25 times before turning gold.
Keep some babies in a rabbitry, these will replace the adults when they've turned gold.
Sell all other babies produced. Babies sell for 5,000 coins, so, if you are working with 50 rabbits you can keep 50 behind and sell 75 babies for 375,000 coin.
Black Rabbits
Black rabbits eat grass 5 times at 10-minute intervals before mating, with each rabbit eating 25 times before turning gold.
Keep 50 babies in a rabbitry, these will replace the adults when they've turned gold.
Sell all other babies produced. Babies sell for 10,000 coins, so, if you are working with 50 rabbits you can keep 50 behind and sell 75 babies for 750,000 coin.
The following is based on one complete cycle of 50 Black or 50 White Rabbits, keeping 50 babies behind for a future generation.
Don’t make any more rabbits than you have to at The Glade, they can get out of control.
Once you understand your rabbits you can certainly breed them at The Glade later if you wish.
Don’t clear the grass there, leave as much as possible and get your rabbits made as soon as possible.
Once you have cleared this land 100% you will get a Sanctuary for your home station.
Make more traps and set them at home if you like (Woodside Rabbits can be loaded to the sled and transported) and catch more Woodside Rabbits, then use these in your new Sanctuary at home to make Black Rabbits.
You should only need 2 to start your colony. Don’t sell any young until your colony of rabbits is the size you want.
Rabbits in a Rabbitry do not eat, they do not breed. They come out of the Rabbitry in exactly the same condition they went into it.
We can buy Rabbitries in the market. They do cost Emeralds but, if you plan on raising rabbits, they are worth every emerald!
Rabbitry Small
Hover your mouse over the building for information about rabbits there. This building will hold 25 rabbits.
Click the building for more options.
This building does not distinguish between black or white rabbits but it does allow you to pick just the young to place here or you can add all.
If you elect to add all then both young and adults will be added.
Rabbitry Large
Hover your mouse over the building for information about rabbits there. This building will hold 100 rabbits.
The information will also tell you what colour the rabbits are, it does not distinguish between young and adults.
Click the building for more options.
Choose the colour rabbit you want to work with. I’m putting my White Rabbits to bed for the night so I’m choosing White.
I’ve chosen White so these actions will work only on White Rabbits. I’m ready to log off for the day and I don’t want my rabbits to run through a breeding cycle without actually breeding so I will place them here until I have time to look after them again.
I click ‘Add 25’ then I repeat the action until all my White rabbits are in the Rabbitry.
Handy Information
When using the ‘Release all’ or ‘Sell all young' options sometimes only 25 will be released or sold, so check the rabbitry and repeat the action to make sure all have been processed.
Rabbits can confuse the game, you may find you have one more or one less rabbit than you thought you had, or when mating comes around you don’t seem to have the right number of young. I’ve observed this behaviour over several years now, but in the end I still end up with the right number of gold statues and babies.
A lot of rabbits running around can slow your game down. Turn animation off if this is an issue. You may need to keep your breeding colony to 10 or 20 at a time.
Fact: there is a limit to the number of animals/birds you can have on any one land at any one time.
• You can have up to 500 creatures at Home, another 500 in Indigo and 500 in Wind’s Song. Gold obelisk statues of animals and birds count in the 500 limit
• Animals and birds inside Farms and Henneries DO NOT count towards the limit. The amount of animals you can have in these buildings is unlimited.
• If you now have reached the 500 creature limit, you will not be able to buy new animals or place a golden statue from a Farm or Hennery until you get rid of a part of your livestock.
• Rabbits DO count towards the limit unless they are inside a Rabbitry.
These numbers will adversely affect the way your game runs!! Unless you have a super-duper computer you will experience game lag and disconnection issues!
We can make Grass in the Fountain for Coins and the Premium Fountain, or you can just feed them Hay.
The Fountain for coins allows us to make Grass for 5 feeds. You can also make Jasmine here, it also feeds 5 times.
The Premium Fountain can make Grass for 10 feeds and Grass for 20 feeds.
My rabbits are in the top right corner of my station. I like to turn animation on to watch them. All the grass and hay is in this corner too so they do not stray far, they have to come back to feed. If you have grass or hay in other areas they will wander to it and eat it. No fencing will keep rabbits out! Or in!
I keep 50 babies of each type of rabbit and I have 25 of each in the small rabbitries for an emergency. I just love rabbits and I breed them for fun!!
If you leave your rabbits out without supervision and there is a lot of food for them you may come back and find they have all turned to gold and you have not bred any babies at all!!
I’ve heard of players suggesting you starve them to stop them doing what rabbits do best, but surely this is inhumane? !!
Fascinating Fact: Occasionally, pregnant does (female rabbits) abort or reabsorb the foetuses because of nutritional deficiencies or disease. 😢
So, let's keep our rabbits happy, try it, you may enjoy it too!